
Preschool Graduation // Summer Vacation is Here

I can't believe my biggest little has graduated preschool.  Wow, onto Kindergarten in the fall.  It's so true when they say that the days are long but the years are short.  

Oliver had his final day of pre-school and graduation party this afternoon.  Daddy and Oma were able to come which made it more special.  The kids each participated in a little play.  Oliver was the Big Bad Wolf in the story of the Three Little Pigs.  He did a great job and so did the rest of the class.  Then onto the graduation ceremony.  Each child was presented their school year book from Teacher Doreen.  She talked abit about each of them .... what their favourite part of school is and what they want to be when they grown up.  Oliver's favourite part was learning about the Rainforest and all the animals.  He wants to be a robot when he grows up.  Good luck with that kid!

Oliver was the Big Bad Wolf is his play

Getting his certificate from Teacher Doreen

Two years of preschool of with his friend Tegan
Celebrated at Menchie's with Auntie Lindsay

We are now officially on summer vacation.  Woohoo!  We celebrated today with some goodies and an official summer is here surprise.  The loved ripping through it. 

Welcome to Summer!

Here's to a great summer ahead of us!

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