
Peony Love

Yesterday we decided to check out the 'Flower Farm' in Langley before the weather changed and before the peonies were gone for another year.  I wasn't aware of this little gem till The Doctor's Closet had posted about her trip for peonies.  I fell in love and had to experience it for myself.  Who can resist peonies and a farm?  Not this once upon a time farm girly girl.  So the kids and I trekked out to Flowers from a Country Garden.  Peony season is almost coming to an end but we caught the tail end and were not disappointed.  We lucked out with pale pink and fuchsia ones. Beautiful! Picked up some for Oma as well.  The kids couldn't wait to give them to her.  We explored around the farm and took some pictures.  The kids were great photographers.  

The flowers are so pretty I feel I need to share so I found these adorable teacher gift tags and printed them out from Lia Griffith's Blog.  

Simple and so so pretty.  

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