
New desk + craft table

Here is my project of the week.  My new desk/craft table and chair.  It amazes me sometimes how cheap and easy you can do a great facelift to a piece of furniture.  This was one of them.  Here is the breakdown:

Table: Free from the side of the road.  Was out for a run when I saw it and Trevor picked it up for me.  Needed a little work to stabilize it but nothing major.
Chair: $10 from Value Village
2 sample pot of paint: $10.00
Grey stain: $6.00
Primer and sealant: Already had some at home but for cost sake we will say $5.00

Total: $31.00

I was pretty proud of myself for using a belt sander for the first time.  Trevor was at work and I was determined to get this table done.  Once I striped the coating off the top of the table, I stained the wood grey and finished with a few coats of polyurethane.  The table legs were primed and painted.  As was the chair.  

I usually stay away from bright colours and go for neutrals which are safe but lately I'm having fun with colour.  Especially when it's not a staple piece of furniture or a piece you might not keep for a long time.  Life is short, add some colour right!

My kind of refinishing.  Cheap and easy.  

Happy I have a new craft table to work on.  Now I just need a craft room.  I have pretty much taken over the computer room but one day maybe I'll have a room I won't have to keep clean with all my crafting items.  

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