
a new project for 2014

Two things I want to do better this year is be more grateful and be more organized in how I collect memories, mainly pictures.  So I came across two really great apps that let me do both effectively and easily.  And free!  Perfect for a busy mom.  

[Being grateful]

Research says that people who are grateful are happier.  And I didn't make that up.  http://www.livehappier.com/gratitude/.  Who doesn't want to be happier?  I love the idea of counting your blessings and having a journal of them.

The first app is 'thankful'.  It's an app that allows your to log what you are thankful for everyday.  It has a counter, quotes to inspire and you are able to share it with others. 

What inspired me was a video I saw on Facebook called 365grateful.com.  A women shares her journey of taking a picture everyday and journals about something she was thankful for that day.  She talks about her relationship with her husband and realising how thoughtful he really was.  Watch it for yourself! 

I have been journalling something almost daily (illness got in the way) something I'm thankful for.  There is ALWAYS something, even if it seems small.

[Collecting Memories]

I love making photobooks and actually doing something with my pictures.  I try to make one at the end of each year so my pictures are all in one place.  I'll be honest and I'm still working on 2011.  It's a challenge because I have photo's from all over the place .... my cell, my camera, other peoples pictures.  Finding the right pictures, downloading them and putting them in sequence is very time consuming.  But I was excited when I found an app that would do all that in one place!

I came across this app on my Instagram feed and it's called 'Collect'.  It lets you save a photo (or multiple) a day with the date, a caption and even notes.  It lets you save it, share it and print.  It even can put your photos into a video similar to flipgram.  Along with this app, I found a great place to print that would be super easy at the end of the year to put into an album at Persnickety Prints.  It would be a very basic Project Life album in a way.  For those into Project Life, this might be a great way to stay organized.  

Here is what I hope to do at the end of the year ....

With a calendar full of blessings + a calendar full of pictures of everyday moments I think that will make for one special album for 2014.


  1. wow - i LOVE the look of that book at the end of the year. this is a perfect step into Project Life style recording! and the grateful app - love it as well. i used to blog gratitude sundays - this would get me back into the habit of being more thankful!

    1. I agree, good first step to Project Life. Gratitude Sundays is a great idea!

  2. We truly have so much to be thankful for.
    I just started scrappin' 2012. Shutterfly is still my go to. I know how to use it and I can quickly put together what I like.

    1. I love Shutterfly but I've heard great things about Artifact Uprising and might try it for an Instagram book.


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