
Easter: the cross equals love

Most people that know me, know that I love celebrations and holidays.  And Easter really is the most wonderful celebration.  For many it's about colour dipped eggs and chocolate but it's about Jesus dying on the cross for each and every one of us.  What a sacrifice.  It's the perfect example of love.  While heavy, it really is a time to rejoice because Jesus rose from the grave and is alive.  As we did Resurrection Eggs with the kids this year, I was reminded how brutal Jesus' death was.  I hope I never take it for granted nor my children.  I pray they are in awe of what Jesus did for them.  With this being said, I do want them to partake in all the fun actives and traditions that come along with holidays.  I don't think you have to pick one or the other.  Keeping the focus on Jesus and you can't go wrong.

We spent the week and weekend doing fun activities, reading the Easter story, singing new songs ['My God is so Strong' is the song of the week] and having family time.  

Good Friday was a beautiful day so we got outside and went to Campbell Valley Park for a picnic, egg hunt and exploring.  Took in all God's beautiful creation.

Later that afternoon, the Easter bunny came early and he came to the park this year.  Normally he comes Sunday morning but he was on schedule the year and showed up early.  I set up a chocolate egg trail into the park by our house to a little covered tree area to their Easter goodies.  I think the chocolate was more of a hit.  The kids got to pick one toy at Target for their Easter treat.

Decorating eggs is a must.  I always find it a bit stressful.  It's so unpredictable with kids.  Fragile eggs and dyed water can be a dangerous combo.  But the kids did great this year.  They used spaghetti spoons to dip the eggs which worked great.  I also baked the eggs in the oven for the first time.  With a large amount, it works nice.  However I realized my oven needs to be cleaned because a few had some spots on them that I'm guessing is from my oven doors.  Once rinsed they were fine.

Bake at 350 for 35 minutes

Started Easter morning having brunch as a family.  Made my Eggs Benedict casserole that is oh so yummy.  For recipe, see earlier Christmas Brunch post.

The kids were excited for church.  After the service, their was a candy buffet, petting zoo, games, crafts and egg hunt.  Oliver loved the petting zoo but Isla was not a big fan.  A goat tried to eat her dress.  Funny but scary for her.  

The afternoon was spent with family eating, playing Monopoly [which I won], jumping on the trampoline, playing basketball, Facetimed with Erik and a ate way too many goodies.  

Here is the Easter cake I made for the family.

Here is one of our Easter crafts.  I found these little bunny and carrot figurines at the thrift store and glued them on the lids of some old jars and spray painted the lids.  We filled with candy and they made for cute Easter decor.  I think we may have to give them away to avoid eating too much candy!

Hope you had a special weekend with family and stopped to remember the sacrifice that was made on the cross.

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