
Exciting news ... coming March 2015

It has been quite some time since I've logged into Lovely Little Day.  It feels almost foreign as I sit here writing my thoughts.  Something I just haven't felt the energy or the time to do in the past few months to do.  But there is a good reason for it.  Actually a great reason.  We are expecting baby #3 this coming March!  We are all very excited.  I'm 16 weeks and starting to feel much better.   The first three months are almost like survival with two little ones home all day.  My biggest challenge was  low energy more so than nausea.  Which is quite different from my pregnancy with Isla.  Yeah for no diclectin this time.  So now that I'm feeling much better, I hope to start blogging and using my creative side again.  As hard as it's been to not create and pick up a paint brush, it's been nice to focus on family and enjoy the summer fully.

Here is our official pregnancy announcement.  Enjoy!

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