
a little trick to keeping safe

Here is a simple little trick I use to keep my kids safe while in a parking lot.  It's easy with one child to carry or hold their hand at all times but when you have two or more, one child is waiting while you attend to the other.  I've seen stickers you can buy for your vehicle but instead I have my oldest always place his hand on the 'red light' while I tend to the younger one.  This is usually me getting my littlest out of her car seat.  He is to keep his hand on it till I can safely attend to him.   I don't like being on the opposite side of the van of one child when I'm with another so I always make sure they are on the same side so I can easily see them.  Many of you mothers maybe do this already but with cars rushing past and distracted people, I need to keep my littles safe. 

Be safe everyone and remember 'hand on the red'.


  1. Great idea! I used to just keep the 'big' littles buckled in til the baby was safe in the stroller but now that they can unbuckle themselves.... the girls are actually pretty safe. It is T I worry about.

  2. I know, it can be tricky. Especially when they are antsy and want out right away. So far it seems to work but I only have two :)


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