
why we celebrate valentine's day

Valentine's Day seems to bring up mixed feelings for people.  Should it be a big deal or just another day?  I wouldn't say that it's a holiday like Christmas or Easter that is to be celebrated because of what it means for me as a Christian but why not make those you love feel special.  I understand the notion that you should love everyday and do nice things everyday but is that realistic?  Do we do that?  I think I try to be loving daily but doing special things for those you love requires us to be intentional.  And if we aren't intentional on holidays, are we ever going to be.  Why not take the opportunity to shower love when the day makes it so easy to do so.  I agree not getting wrapped up in the commercialism of it all is important.  Make a card. Make some goodies.  Do a craft.  Have a little get together. 

This year I specifically told Trevor not to buy flowers for me this year.  I like flowers but I didn't want him sending a fortune on overpriced flowers just because he felt he had to.  We don't really buy gifts for each other on Valentine's Day.  It's not really my love language.  I like kind gestures and spending time.  We spent the night before going out for a nice dinner at Cielo's in White Rock.  The fact that he called to make reservations and organized babysitting was what spoke to my heart.  The chocolate and new pink heart coffee cup was a nice bonus.  

I think it's good for our kids to see us celebrating love and marriage.  
I think it's good for them to see us celebrating friendship and giving.  
I think it's good for them to see us celebrating fun and kindness.  

Here is Oliver concentrating hard on writing his name on his Valentine cards for his preschool friends.

Set up Trevor's coffee and a muffin for him.

Out at Cielo's in White Rock celebrating just the two of us.

Here is how our love day was spent.  Started the day with a Valentine's playdate with friends.

Oliver's loot from preschool.  Wow.

Finished the evening with chocolate fondue.  My mom's special recipe.  The kids skipped the fruit and just ate the chocolate.  Probably explains why they both went to bed at 10pm.

I think it was a great day where we loved on others and were loved.  

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.
John 15:12 

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