
Welcome Summer Party

This past weekend I hosted a 'welcome summer' party with some girlfriends.  It was nice to have a small group of friends over for appetizers, dessert and drinks.  The weather held out which made for a nice patio setting.

I choose a navy, coral and gold colour scheme which turned out so pretty.  They are very popular colours right now.  The fresh flowers add the perfect touch to the backyard party.

One of my favourite parts of the evening was the Loose Leaf Tea Bar.  I came across the idea via Pinterest and have never seen it done before.  So I purchased four varieties of tea at David's Tea, had tea bags and agave sticks for each of the girls.  I made sure to have descriptions of each tea so they could pick their favourites. The four flavours I choose were Just Peachy, Organic Cream of Earl, Rooibos de Provence and Coffee Pu'erh.  They all smelled divine.  It's always nice to have your guests leave with something, whether a good memory or a special treat.

Thanks ladies for a wonderful evening.

Loose Leaf Tea Bar

This tassel garland I made was a fun addition and once I figured out what I was doing, was pretty easy.  The best part is you can custom make it to the colours of your party. 
Here is the link for the tutorial: Linen, Lace & Love.


Preschool Graduation // Summer Vacation is Here

I can't believe my biggest little has graduated preschool.  Wow, onto Kindergarten in the fall.  It's so true when they say that the days are long but the years are short.  

Oliver had his final day of pre-school and graduation party this afternoon.  Daddy and Oma were able to come which made it more special.  The kids each participated in a little play.  Oliver was the Big Bad Wolf in the story of the Three Little Pigs.  He did a great job and so did the rest of the class.  Then onto the graduation ceremony.  Each child was presented their school year book from Teacher Doreen.  She talked abit about each of them .... what their favourite part of school is and what they want to be when they grown up.  Oliver's favourite part was learning about the Rainforest and all the animals.  He wants to be a robot when he grows up.  Good luck with that kid!

Oliver was the Big Bad Wolf is his play

Getting his certificate from Teacher Doreen

Two years of preschool of with his friend Tegan
Celebrated at Menchie's with Auntie Lindsay

We are now officially on summer vacation.  Woohoo!  We celebrated today with some goodies and an official summer is here surprise.  The loved ripping through it. 

Welcome to Summer!

Here's to a great summer ahead of us!


Blessing Box Swap 1.0

Welcome to Blessing Box Swap 1.0.  - NOW CLOSED
I recently participated in a prayer box swap and blogged about it last week.  The response to be involved in one was great so I have decided to organize one. 

How does this work?  
Complete and submit the form below by June 27th.  You will receive an email from me the following week with your box swap partners information.  The two of you will be swapping your blessing box with each other.  This will hopefully create friendship and connection.  Fill your box with items based on the information you received and send by the deadline.

What do I put in my blessing box?
Include 4-5 items worth at least $25.00 in total.  These items can be bought or homemade.  If an  item is homemade, estimate how much it may be worth to buy. 

All boxes must be mailed out on the deadline!  This is only fair and considerate to your partner.  It does not need to be in an actual box.  You may mail it however you would like.

The deadline to mail all the boxes is July 11th.

If you are on Instagram, hashtag #blessingboxswapone if you want to show your blessing box or how it's coming along.  

Here is the form to complete:  Link Removed

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at lovelylittledayblog@gmail.com.  

I'm glad there are so many others who are interested in:
a] being creative 
b] a blessing + taking the time to pray
c] being intentional 
d] creating community and friendship



New desk + craft table

Here is my project of the week.  My new desk/craft table and chair.  It amazes me sometimes how cheap and easy you can do a great facelift to a piece of furniture.  This was one of them.  Here is the breakdown:

Table: Free from the side of the road.  Was out for a run when I saw it and Trevor picked it up for me.  Needed a little work to stabilize it but nothing major.
Chair: $10 from Value Village
2 sample pot of paint: $10.00
Grey stain: $6.00
Primer and sealant: Already had some at home but for cost sake we will say $5.00

Total: $31.00

I was pretty proud of myself for using a belt sander for the first time.  Trevor was at work and I was determined to get this table done.  Once I striped the coating off the top of the table, I stained the wood grey and finished with a few coats of polyurethane.  The table legs were primed and painted.  As was the chair.  

I usually stay away from bright colours and go for neutrals which are safe but lately I'm having fun with colour.  Especially when it's not a staple piece of furniture or a piece you might not keep for a long time.  Life is short, add some colour right!

My kind of refinishing.  Cheap and easy.  

Happy I have a new craft table to work on.  Now I just need a craft room.  I have pretty much taken over the computer room but one day maybe I'll have a room I won't have to keep clean with all my crafting items.  


Prayer Box Swap 4.0

This past month I participated in my first box swap.  This one was a prayer box swap.  I've seen them a few times on Instagram and got my name in on time for this one, PBS 4.0.  This particular one was set up by BubabdNonnie Blog.  This is how it works: you sign up to participate, fill out a form about yourself.  Mainly your likes, interests, hobbies, personal information if you like and any prayer requests.  This swap we all donated $5.00 to help a family adopting a little one.  All this money went to one family to help support their adoption process.  We then received an email about our 'swap box' partner.  I found out about her and her interests to help me put her box together.  Each participant is asked to put about $20 worth of items in their box.  About 4-5 items.  As I put the box together, I prayed for her requests and her family.  I knew on the other end was someone playing for me and my requests.  We had a deadline and off the packages went.  I received a lovely package from a mother of three in Ontario.  We now follow each other on Instagram and have started somewhat of a friendship because of this.

Here is the package I put together for my prayer partner.  She said she had a tea cup collection so I found a vintage gold trim tea cup.  She loves fabric scraps so I included a bundle of fabric pieces from my collection.  She grew her first garden this year so I found some chalk garden markers from Chapters.  I also included a heart felt bunting I made and a to-do pad of paper.  I hope she was blessed by my box put together with thoughtfulness and prayer.

In return received a box full of little goodies .... a framed Bible verse, washi tape, straws, wood matching game for the kids, dark chocolate [one of my favourites], travel coffee cup, handmade hoop art, flower pot + seeds, coffee and homemade bath salts.  

For more details of how it worked, click on the link.  

If you are interested in doing a "Blessing Box Swap", please let me know.  I would be open to arranging one just because I know how fun and what a blessing it was.  It's great to get a package in the mail designed just for you!


A barbq Sauce + Sprinkles Father's Day

Father's Day 2014 was simple, spent with family and we delighted in the little things.  Special days don't have to be grand to be special.  Trevor was treated to a morning of sleep, pancakes with sprinkles and home-made cards.  I had a disappointing mommy moment at one point in the morning.  I thought I was recording Trevor opening his gifts and reading his cards from the kids only to realize second later that I had just taken a picture.  I guess a memory captured just in our hearts.  

We then went to church where every family was given a bottle of barbq sauce.  This wasn't just a nudge for the dads to get to the grill but an invitation to welcome someone over for a meal and love on those around you.  A family you don't know well in the neighbourhood, a co-worker or someone who needs to feel loved.  Sharing a meal is a simple and great opportunity to come together.  

Trevor picked Montana's for his lunch, Isla needed a nap and off to the in-laws for a barbq.  Kids jumped on the trampoline in between rains, I Facetimed my dad in Alberta and Monopoly was played late into the evening.  A full-family-filled day.

This past Friday was the Father's Sports Day at preschool and Opa decided he was able to go with Oliver. Oliver was thrilled to have time with Opa.  He took a hammer and a snack for them to share.  Opa and Oliver made an alligator out of nails and rubber bands.  It's a keeper. 

 Found these cute Dad and Grandpa cards on Tater Tots and Jello.

Hope all you wonderful Dad's felt loved.  


Peony Love

Yesterday we decided to check out the 'Flower Farm' in Langley before the weather changed and before the peonies were gone for another year.  I wasn't aware of this little gem till The Doctor's Closet had posted about her trip for peonies.  I fell in love and had to experience it for myself.  Who can resist peonies and a farm?  Not this once upon a time farm girly girl.  So the kids and I trekked out to Flowers from a Country Garden.  Peony season is almost coming to an end but we caught the tail end and were not disappointed.  We lucked out with pale pink and fuchsia ones. Beautiful! Picked up some for Oma as well.  The kids couldn't wait to give them to her.  We explored around the farm and took some pictures.  The kids were great photographers.  

The flowers are so pretty I feel I need to share so I found these adorable teacher gift tags and printed them out from Lia Griffith's Blog.  

Simple and so so pretty.  

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