
Thoughts on Mother's Day and Bowen Island

Mother's Day was just yesterday and I sit here feeling blessed and grateful.  For so many things.  For a wonderful mom who is caring, generous, loving and would do absolutely anything for her children.  A mother in law that is helpful, kind and loves those around her.  For so many amazing women in my life ..... grandmothers, aunts, cousins, friends and a daughter.  I love my children because they made me a mom.  They love unconditionally and I learn from them everyday.  It's true when they say that until you have kids, it's hard to understand a mothers love.  I get it now.  I looked at them yesterday as they played on the beach looking for crabs and throwing rocks in the water, and delighted in them.  Almost in wonder that God created and gave me two perfect little beings to love and care for.  It is a weighty task that is hard, exhausting and feels impossible at times but I trust and pray God will give me the strength, wisdom and patience I need.  
"Motherhood is a choice you make everyday - to put someone else's happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing even when you're not sure what the right thing is .... and to forgive yourself, over and over, for doing everything wrong."  Donna Ball
Motherhood isn't an easy journey but is one of the best things I've ever done.  It really isn't about you anymore but I wouldn't want it any other way.

My day started with Trevor getting up with the kids not so much so I could sleep in but have quiet time to rest and stay in bed.  Trevor made breakfast and coffee for me.  I asked if he could make the DeDutch Hash pannekoken I love.  And he came pretty close.  He made crepes with a hash and topped it with hollandaise sauce.  

The kids made me a homemade card and Trevor picked up a few goodies at Chapters which made me feel special.  The kids nailed it when they said that Mommy likes to 'make things'. 

We then headed to Bowen Island.  If you have never been, it's a great quick get away.  We drove to Horseshoe Bay Ferry terminal and parked.  Kids were free and adults were $12 each for both ways.  We have only walked on so we haven't explored the whole Island but hope to one day.  It has some great restaurants, little shops, hiking, a marina and beaches.  It's only a 20 minute ferry ride from the mainland but you feel like a world away from the city.  It's quiet and relaxed.  Just what you need sometimes.

We stayed close to the main marina since we only had a few hours.  We went straight away for lunch at Doc Morgan's.  Got a great table outside in the sun looking over the water.  I treated myself to a cocktail and enjoyed fish and chips.  

It was then onto finding crabs.  Oliver's favourite part of the day.  He could have done it for hours. Trevor would lift a rock and the kids giggled as the crabs scurried to find shelter.  Oliver had no fear of grabbing them and holding them.  Isla threw rocks in the water and was content with that.

We went for a quick hike and then finished the afternoon with ice cream.  Poor Isla got abit of a sunburn.  It was surprising warm.

We got home and family arrived for a barq.  Spend the evening in the backyard and then moved into the kitchen for a FaceTime session with my mother.   It was nice to see her beautiful face and hear her voice.  These are the days that are hard being away from family.  Thankful for technology that makes the distance seem not to far.

We finished the night with a competitive game of Monopoly.  I was one of the final three.  As 10pm came around, we shut down the game.

Happy Mother's Day and every day to mom's everywhere.  

My heart is full.

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