
Sewing Class: Fabric Buckets

Last night I ventured into the city for school.  Well actually a class.  I felt all the nerves of a freshman college student.  I signed up for an intermediate sewing class, Fabric buckets: 210 at Spool of Thread.  It was abit nerve wracking to put myself out there but I know this is the only way to get better at it.   I'm basically re-teaching myself from junior high home ec. class.  Let's just say it's been a while.  
The fabric buckets were time consuming but not difficult.  I had never worked with interfacing so that was new.  The instructor was helpful and gave useful tips I'm sure I will use in the future.  I only made one major 'oh no'.  I accidentally sewed the gap closed that was meant to flip the fabric to the outside.  Yup, I was the only one busting out the seam ripper during the class.  Not the worst mistake but we were in a time crunch so it slowed me down.  Surprisingly one of the hardest parts on the night was deciding on fabric.  I was like a kid in a candy store.  It took me over 10 minutes to pick two fabrics.  They have the most amazing selection. I would highly recommend checking it out.  Along with classes, you can rent a sewing machine by the hour to work on projects.  

The evening was challenging and what I needed. Small group with very hands on instructions.  Anyone in for taking a class with me?  I'm considering the 256: Zipper Pouches.

Will be making more of these lovelies in the future.  Picking out the fabric will be half the fun!

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