
A Complete Project: Our New Entrance Chair

This project is a special one.  It's the first piece of furniture I refinished over a year ago.  I found it at a local thrift store.  When I found it, I didn't realize that it would take more skill and expertise than I had.  I contacted Deen at Revamp in Langley and she took me through a few projects and this was one of them.  I wanted to learn how to refinished furniture for myself but didn't know back then it would turn into more.  I'm still learning project by project.  This chair is a Morris Chair.  They were made between 1890-1930.  I'm not sure how old this one is but I'm sure it has a few years on it.  Once painted, I needed to redo the cushions.  This was where I was stopped in my tracks.  I knew I was beyond my skill level.  I contacted a friend to help but that is a lot to ask someone and she was willing to help me but I didn't want to take the chance of ruining nice, expensive fabric.  Not really a project to learn on.  The cushions sat for over a year.  I finally found some nice quality fabric at Hobby Lobby and was determine to get this chair finished.  A side note, I love Hobby Lobby and wish we had one closer.  I think I went about 6-8 times in one week while I was in Arizona.  With their coupons, I couldn't stop myself.  This past month I took the fabric and cushions in to a seamstress I have used before and had her make new cushions.  By far the most expensive part of the project.  I needed to source this part out and I'm glad I did.  As much as I wasn't thrilled with how much I paid to have the new cushions made, I can appreciate those who do have those skills I don't and feel they deserve to be paid for them.  As I start to do custom work, I need to realize I have skills and abilities that people are willing to pay me for.  So it needs to be worth my time and energy.  I appreciate when people see that and let me create for them. 

Please note: some pictures have a small black mark on them due to a error on my camera.

A wreath to match on our front door I made from burlap

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