
choosing gratefulness + joy

Today is just one of those days.  It's a Monday, I'm tired and having a hard time finding the joy in an ordinary dreary day.  Isla was up a few times during the day and finally came into our bed.  Not a great sleep.  Then as Trevor was leaving for work he woke her up at 6:30am.  It made me grumpy.  I wasn't ready to start the day.  Isla had some breakfast and I needed coffee.  She watched Dora while I tried to become functional.  Oliver was up not long after and we were in the swing of things.  A spill later on the couch and grumpy mommy came out.  I felt bad and asked for forgiveness.  Oliver said he didn't like that I was grumpy.  It made him sad.  Yup, he called me out.  I knew I needed to turn the day around so I went to my room and did devotions.  I came out determine this wasn't going to be a waste of a day filled with guilt so we had a dance party to praise songs, played a few board games and Oliver was off to preschool.  
These are the days that are hard to find the 'enjoy every moment because they grow so fast' or 'cherish these times'.  I've heard it many times from strangers.  I know in my heart it's true.  But it's hard to delight in them.  However I know God works in the ordinary and the little things.  I just need to be faithful.  And grateful.  Families are mourning the loss of little ones right now.  I get to kiss mine good night.  Some have lost all their homes and possessions and I have a comfortable home to sleep in.  It's so easy to loose perspective and that's usually when I take my eyes off Jesus.  So I'm choosing Jesus.  And gratefulness.  And joy.  

Many of you might know this hymn, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus by Helen H. Lemmel.  This is my song today.

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