
a new year. a new start.

It's January 1st.  I love a fresh start and the anticipation of a new year.  I sit here wondering what is in store for us and myself.  I love to plan and make lists so it's no surprise that I'm sitting here with high expectations and goals for the upcoming year.  

What are your hopes or goals for 2014?

I'm always cautious about resolutions only to be broken within the first month.  I want to set goals and make sure they are realistic.  

Here are a few of mine ...
1.  Quiet time.  Read more and journal.  Just me and my Bible.  Pray.  Listen.  
2.  Take a sewing and photoshop course.  Learn more.  
3.  Be more intentional and present.  With my husband, kids and friends.
4.  Simplify.  Balance and prioritise.
5.  Be grateful for everything.

Our new years was quiet.  Oliver came down with the flu so we spent the night at home.  But to make sure someone had some fun and was able to celebrate, Trevor took Isla on a date.  Most places were closed but they found a Starbucks to have a baby coffee and some playtime at McDonald's.  Isla was very excited to get dressed up complete with a dress, gold shoes and her sticker earrings.  

I found a cute printable online for kids to fill out every new year.  It was abit too old for Isla but we tried anyways.  It would be fun to compare their answers each year.  Here is the link: 

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