
sending love + sunshine

Most people have heard of the five love languages by Gary Chapman.  I would say one of mine is acts of service: actions speak louder than words.  I love when someone shows me they care or take the time to do something thoughtful or kind.  Many times you show love the same way you want to receive love.  So that's why I love putting together fun little boxes of 'love' or 'sunshine' for those I care about.  And live far away from me.  Just a little something to say I'm thinking of you, you're important to me and you are loved.  

I've put together two sunshine boxes, one for my dear friend Tracy and one for my mom.  I recently just put together a box of love for me mom.  A bit of a combo gift for her birthday, anniversary and Valentine's Day.  With it being so close to Valentine's Day, it was easy to find lots of pink and red items.  Part of the fun is trying to find little things to fill up the box.  Candy, magazines, napkins, candles, gift cards, lip gloss, etc all make for a fun surprise.  

This was an easy DIY project I did for my mom.  I got two chunks of square wood.  I stained the wood black.  Then white washed them - just a thin coat of white paint.  Sanded them gently.  I developed two picture from London Drugs in a 4x4.  I did have to trim abit to make them fit.  I glued them on and then Mod Podged them twice to seal and add shine.  So easy and a cute way to display pictures.

Here are the two boxes of 'sunshine' I put together for my mom and a friend.

If you are looking for a fun way to bless someone far away, try it.  Who doesn't love happy mail!

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