
The Giving Bags

This morning I took the kids to the grocery store to get a few last minute things and as we were went through the check out, the lady asked the kids how many days left till Christmas?  Both answered TWO!  And then they went on to say that they will get to open presents with enthusiasm.  Yes I'm excited for Christmas morning and to see their little faces beaming with joy.  But I struggle with that being the focus.  I want it to be about Jesus' birth and giving.  It's so easy for children to have a sense of entitlement and materialism in our culture.  I want them to be just as excited to give as to receive.  I know they are small and I think as parents if we practise giving as they grow up, they will see the joy in it.  Maybe it's the little things as we attempted to do our RACK project this Christmas.  Doing kind gestures for people who don't expect it or desire it.  It's easy to give to those we love and care about.  But those we don't know is not so easy or natural. 

I took to the sewing machine earlier this month to make GIVING BAGS.  The idea was to have the kids fill the bags up with good used toys that they could give to kids who don't have any toys this Christmas.  Bless their hearts they both made a pile of their toys to give away.  However after calling multiple organisation to see if they would take used toys, I came up with nothing.  So we went to plan B and let the kids pick out a few new toys to give.  Next year I will start earlier to see if I can find somewhere that these once loved toys can be loved by others.  

Here is a great article about Raising Grateful Kids In an Entitled World from We Are That Family Blog.  

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