
Joseph: I see an inn with no room for me

What is it about your child's Christmas play that gets parents so proud and gushing?  A million pictures, practicing their line for days and making sure as many family members as possible can be there. That was me.  And from all the pictures on Facebook, every mother I guess.  One of the big highlights of the day was waking up to a large amount of snow.  And it didn't stop till late that afternoon.  Many schools were closed but luckily the Langley public schools were open and that meant the Christmas play was on!  Trevor didn't think he would be able to make it but due to the snow, he was able to come.  And so was Auntie (and Oma) because of the school closure.  It was a Christmas miracle!
Oliver was given the role of Joseph.  He had one line, "I see an inn with no room for me".  He memorized it early and did wonderful talking into the mic on the day of the play.  He was the cutest little Joseph.

Got to make another snowman this year!

Each family brings a little treat or snack for the Christmas party after the play.  Here is an easy and healthy snack for your littles!  Just make sure to use permanent marker.  

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