
what I need today

Isla decided 4:45am was a good time to get up this morning.  We put her into our bed which  neither Trevor or I enjoy.  A queen bed is not fit for three people.  Finally at 6:00pm she thought it was time for cartoons.  At that point I obliged out of sheer exhaustion.  And fighting a cold.  Trevor left for work and I finally got out of bed.  Straight for the Keurig I went.  At this point I realised Isla had got a stool and got into some dill pickle chips.  Not ideal but I'm chalking it up to resourcefulness.  Who doesn't like chips first thing in the morning.  

It's going to be a long day.  I know myself that getting up earlier than 7am present a crabby, impatient mommy but I'm making a choice not to be short, grouchy or checked out.  It's easy to just put on tv or submerge myself into the computer but that's not fair to the kids.  They deserve an active and involved mommy.  Some days I know I need more patience and God knows that.  So I need to be faithful and be in relationship with him all throughout the day not just in the morning or before bed.   

Off for some more coffee and quiet devotional time while the kids play together. 

This spoon is from JessicaNdesigns.  She reposted my picture on Instagram for her Fan Photo Friday.  She has some great stuff and makes for perfect gifts.  Follow her on instagram @jessicandesigns.

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