
playroom make over

Like most families with small children, toys are everywhere.  When we moved two and a half years ago I envisioned the formal dining room as a playroom for the kids.  Close to us and in sight.  With the hopes of having the rest of the house back to ours, in some ways.

About a month a go I decided to do a playroom make over with new prints, Instagram pictures and some artwork from the kids.  I think it's important to have little stations for the kids.  Pretend play is important so we have a costume box and the kitchen.  Books and lot's of them are a must.  A table where they can craft or have tea parties.  And easy access to their favorite toys.  

I try to rotate the toys every two months.  I load up a large plastic tote and store in the garage.  This helps to not buy new toys all the time and gets them interested in old ones.  

Simple IKEA frames.

Printed Instagram pictures from Origrami

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