
we remember

After a long day in the hospital on Friday, we took it easy on Saturday and were able to go out on a date that night.  Thanks to Auntie Lindsay, we were able to do dinner and a movie.  I was hoping to get one of my favorite meals, Teriyaki Chicken Rice Bowl at the new Cactus Club but the wait was over an hour so we decided to go for Indian.  Then off to a movie, Captain Phillips. Love movies based on a true story.  

Sunday we headed in to stay in Vancouver with our friends, The Hauser's.  Made the most of our time and went to Science World for the first time.  Kids and parents had a blast.  So much to do and see.  Could have spent the whole day there.  After naps we went shopping on Robson Street, dinner at Joey's, swimming and played games after the kids went to bed.  Woke up Monday morning to a crispy fall morning and made our way to the playground in Stanley Park. 

Today we remember those who fought for us.  Who risked everything so we could have freedom.  Not to miss a teachable moment, we took the time to explain to the kids what the red poppy is all about.  Never too young to learn and be thankful.  

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