
family day long weekend: potato stamps, angry birds, hot dogs + sushi

This past weekend was Family Day long weekend for us BC residents.  Our weekend didn't include going away but we had some fun times with friends and enjoyed just being together.  It was perfect and what we needed.  It was nice to have Trevor home for an extra day.  A few of our highlights ...

sushi as a family for the first time.  Isla loves the miso soup and had three bowls of it.  Oliver loved the edamame.  We are rookie sushi eaters so we didn't get too crazy.  The kids are still warming up to california rolls.  

: wiener roast.  Went to our friends place in Fort Langley for a wiener roast and enjoyed the crisp, winter air.

: spa.  I had to opportunity to finally use a gift card I was given two and half years ago after Isla was born to Spa Utopia.  It was last minute but I was able to spend Sunday morning getting a facial.  It was nice just to be pampered and be sans kids for a few hours.  

: friends birthday party.  Oliver's buddy Jackson turned five so we went to My Gym for an Angry Bird birthday party.

We also were busy busy making fun treats and doing Valentine's activities.  The kids loved all the goodies we made for our friends and teachers.  

Activity 1// Potato Stamp Goodie Bags

Activity 2// Chocolate Pretzel Wands for the kids teachers

Activity 3//Rice Krispie Heart Pops + sparkle pencil treats for friends

Yesterday we had a little Valentine's party with a few friends.  We try to do this every year with the kids.  Such a great little tradition!  We had yummy snacks, made a craft and had a 'Frozen' dance party.  

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