
i carry your heart with me: celebrating with love

I carry your heart with me
[I carry it in my heart]
- ee cummings

Each time a special day comes, I love to decorate the house and make it a fun event for the kids.  With Valentine's Day next week, we started our festivities on February 1st.  Counting down to the day is always fun.  The kids love to run to their mailboxes to see what treat and love note they will receive that morning.  I want to show my kids love and I hope this is one little way they feel loved by me.  And of course I can't leave out my husband.  He needs to feel loved just as much.  Or maybe more in the chaos of life with small children.  It's easy to focus all your time and energy on your kids when they need to know they are one of your top priorities.  And that takes time and being intentional.

Some of these things we did last year and will probably become a tradition of some sort.

Numbered hearts with little treats every morning.
Mailboxes filled with love notes.
31 Days of Prayer for your Child by Family Matters.  Here is the link: 31 Days of Prayer for Your Child
Love notes go on the door after.
Sort of a love note for my husband every morning.
Little things to say "I Love You" first thing in the morning.

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