
Spring Break 2014: Vegas + Arizona

Spring break has come and gone.  It was a mixture of a wonderful vacation and time spent at home relaxing.  Our spring break was split into about three parts.

Part One// Vegas
We flew into Vegas Friday evening where my parents met us.  We stayed off the strip at a hotel called the Southpoint Hotel and Casino.  It was great to be out of the city and it had lot's of restaurants, a bowling alley, movie theatres and a beautiful pool.  Well worth the money.  We met up with family which was one of the major reasons we went.  Trevor had never been so it was a no brainer for him.  We spent the days checking out hotels, swimming, eating and doing some of the attractions.  We did the Siegfried & Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat at the Mirage.  The kids were more into the tigers for sure.  The dolphin show was ok.  We have an amazing aquarium right here in Vancouver so it really didn't compare.  The tigers however were a hit and we got to meet Siegfried.  He gave Oliver a quarter with a tiger sticker on it.  The other attraction we checked out was the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay.  You can probably see a trend = animals.  Oliver loves animals (as does Isla) so we knew we were pretty safe that they would have a good time.  It was quite small but had a cool Indian Jones temple kind of feel and the sharks were very amazing to see.  The kids also got to touch stingrays.  Trevor and I got out in the evenings to check out the hotels, eat at some great restaurants and met up with friends and family.  We didn't come back big winners but we had fun.

Part Two// Arizona
Trevor had to leave after the weekend to get back to work so I went to Arizona with the kids back to my parents Arizona home.  We did a mini road trip from Nevada to Arizona.  Didn't make any stops at the Hoover Dam or Grand Canyon but still a nice drive.  Our week in Arizona mainly consisted of swimming, shopping, eating and relaxing.  It was just what we needed.  The kids and I got some new summer clothes, I made many trips to Hobby Lobby (like 5 or 6), gained about 4 pounds from going out to eat and got a bit of colour.   Made some great memories and the kids were spoiled by Nana and Papa.

Part Three// Home
We still had six days left of spring break.  We were recovering from our trip so we took it easy.  We celebrated Trevor's birthday with friends with a dinner out and bingo.  Us crazy kids.  And dessert and monopoly with family the next evening.

While it was a nice break from the norm, it's always nice to get back into a routine.  Kids need it and so does mommy.   The sun is shining, Oliver was excited to see his friends at school and I'm welcoming a quiet house while Isla naps.

A few highlights of our vacation

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