This past week our dear friends Mika and Sara had their first child, a baby girl. Lenna Avery was born on July 13. I know how much I appreciated my friend Ang taking pictures of our first moments with our first baby so I offered to take some of the new family of three. These first few hours ares so special. Mika and Sara were like every new parent: smitten. She is adorable and are very happy for them.
A Princess Party
My sweet Isla Marie turned three! She is growing into a strong, independent spunky girl. I love watching her personality develop. She wanted a princess party so we started with pink, one of her favourite colour and went from there. I decided not to go commercial and focus on Disney princesses. Don't get me wrong, she loves all things Disney but I wanted to do something a bit more original. So I focused on glitter [an absolutely must for a princess] and mint, pink and white. I kept her cake simple with a chocolate pink rosette cake with edible pink glitter.
The weather was questionable the morning of the party but we were able to pull off most of the party off outside. Isla invited 1o little princesses to her party so I was hoping to have them outside to sit so it wasn't too tight inside. I set up on the deck and had enough seating for them all. Decorating the tables was fun. I wanted the girls to feel special.
I had three games planned for them. 1] Get Tangled. Girls were paired up and they had to wrap each up in yellow crepe paper as fast as they could. Every girl loves Rapunzel's long blonde hair. 2] Pin the Crown on Isla. Each of the girls were blind folded and had to stick the crown on Isla. 3] Find the Royal Jewels. I hid a crown and earrings in the backyard for one lucky girl to find.
The final activity was making gold crowns with their mom as they left the party. The mom's glued a gold lace crown together for their daughter. Theses were made with various lace designs. I painted them gold and stiffened the lace with fabric stiffener and Modge Podge.
It was a great morning with these sweet little princesses.
1. Get Tangled
2. Pin the Crown on Isla
3. Find the Royal Jewels
Isla looked so cute so I took her to the park for a few photos.
Isla's actually birthday started with her first day of VBS, which she loved. She thought she didn't need an afternoon nap but crashed on the couch. We got DQ smart blizzards to go and headed to the park. Oma and Auntie came over to watch Isla open her gifts and have some ice cream sandwich cake.